What tools in the Drive Toolkit most interested you? How would you use these tools to motivate those around you? To be personally motivated?
"Understanding my sentence or purpose" and "My performance review" were a few tools that mostly interested me towards being a Type I. Using these tools allows me to help motivate others by providing suggestions to do things differently to enhance my learning environment.
Personally, I honestly feel that we all can make improvements on the way we live our lives. On a daily basis, I strive to be the best father for my sons, better husband for my wife, and better servant for God who has blessed me tremendously beyond finances. I can only get better by asking for feedback from my peers and from making a self-assessment about my aspirations, goals, and purpose in life. In my younger years in life, money drove me but, I now feel that being of service for others to help them succeed is more rewarding than self-promotion.
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