Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day Four - LEGO Robot Practice and Celebrations...

As I write to express about how I am feeling, it gives me a great pleasure to reflect on the importance of this graduate program to-date. Each day this week, I have woke up and looked outside the condo to see another great view of the Pacific Ocean and Pepperdine University. The view constantly reminds me on how great life is. There has been been an ocean to see but, there seems to be a different vista every morning. With the Pacific giving me a new look to see each morning, it reminded me that life comes at you differently on a`daily basis no matter who you are.

Today was pretty cool. We mainly performed test runs on our Lego Robot (Stagecoat) time after time to sync it up with our teammates that are responsible of parts 2-4). Since my team is responsible for part 1, we have to make sure that we have programmed our LEGO Robot to start it and it worked off/on. During this process, it allowed me to reflect on the time where I had to practice playing my trumpet in order to get better and ready for a class concert. Playing trumpet was not easy for me but, I gave it my all to learn the song prepared for us. Wouldn't you know that I overcame a huge fear of mine which was playing in front of hundreds of people because I've always strived for excellence. So, there are building blocks in life that help us become more involved to enhance our personal and professional development.

The moral of this posting is to remember to live your life with what you have to offer and not to let an obstacle stay in your way from reaching your goal(s) to become successful. Imagine that it took Thomas Edison approximately 1000 times before the light bulb worked.

Thank you for allowing me to share.

Signing off...

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